2014 April

Steps That Make The Difference

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Pursuing Your Goal

 A goal is a huge, over-arching statement that sounds great and will get you going. However, words alone will only motivate you for, maybe, a few days? A few weeks? A great way to accomplish your goal is to positionprioritize, andhave accountability.

1. Prioritize: “If it is important to you, you will FIND A WAY; if not you will find an EXCUSE.” – anonymous. Oddly enough, one of the most powerful things you can do for your goal is to start with a question. What is my WHY? You have to know what makes this goal important to you because that is what is going to keep you going when you don’t want to. Dig deeper than “because it’s what I want”. This is where you get to be that 5-year-old that exhausts others with that simple question “but why?”. An easy way to get to the bottom of your WHY is to have someone close to you be that 5-year old and help you dig.

2. Position: You have a goal! You have your WHY! Awesome! Now what? Sit down and reverse engineer your goal. What is going to get you there? You need a system of the “how’s” that are in bite size pieces.

Ex: I want to lose 40 pounds: HOW? > eat right and exercise > HOW? > meal plan, fitness routine, & accountability > HOW? > find a meal planner that works for you or develop a system that works for you >HOW? > find someone who has done it or google for an answer…etc.

Get the idea? It should honestly take 30 min to an hour to break your goal down. The purpose is to give yourself a game plan. It puts your goal in perspective and gives you the ability to chase after it without feeling overwhelmed. 

3. Accountability: It makes a DIFFERENCE when you have someone you HAVE TO ANSWER TO. It can be as simple as weekly/daily text, asking friends for accountability by publicly sharing your goal, or having a check in once a week. Whatever you do, share your WHY, and your game plan with them. Then, set up a specific time to check in every week. (Personal note: This has been vital in my own journey. I have a dear friend who I check in with every Friday for 30 min and we report our week’s checkpoints for our goals.)